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Table 2 Characteristics of the sample

From: Concurrent validity of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire Inventory and the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development in rural Bangladesh


Total sample (n = 244)

Control (n = 128)

Intervention (n = 116)

Caregiver Characteristics

 Age (years)a

25 (5.8)

25.7 (6.0)

25.0 (5.6)

 Primary caregiver is biological mothera

99% (n = 240)

98% (n = 125)

99% (n = 115)

 Mother’s education (years)

6.4 (3.2)

6.1 (3.4)

6.7 (3.0)

 Mother completed primary education

63% (n = 154)

58% (n = 74)

69% (n = 80)

 Father’s education (years)b

4.6 (4.0)

4.6 ± 3.9

4.7 (4.2)

 Father completed primary educationb

34% (n = 81)

34% (n = 41)

35% (n = 40)

Child Characteristics

 Age at Bayley-III assessment (months)

16.2 (5.4)

15.6 (5.2)

16.9 (5.4)

  4–12 months

30% (n = 73)

36% (n = 42)

24% (n = 31)

  13–18 months

35% (n = 86)

42% (n = 49)

29% (n = 37)

  19–26 months

35% (n = 85)

32% (n = 37)

38% (n = 48)


45% (n = 111)

44% (n = 56)

47% (n = 55)

 FCI play activities subscale (0–6)

3.7 (1.6)

3.1 (1.5)

4.5 (1.4)

 FCI play materials subscale (0-6)

2.9 (1.7)

2.2 (1.4)

3.7 (1.7)

Household Characteristics

 Household size (number of people)

5.5 (2.1)

5.4 (1.9)

5.7 (2.3)

 Has cement floor

18% (n = 43)

18% (n = 23)

17% (n = 20)

 Has brick walls

21% (n = 50)

24% (n = 31)

16% (n = 19)

 Has electricity

88% (n = 215)

82% (n = 23)

95% (n = 110)

Bayley-III Raw Scores


46.2 (9.6)

44.8 (9.5)

47.8 (9.5)

 Receptive language

17.3 (5.4)

16.3 (5.2)

18.3 (5.4)

 Expressive languagea

19.3 (6.3)

18.0 (6.0)

20.6 (6.4)

 Fine motorc

31.4 (6.0)

30.6 (6.2)

32.3 (5.7)

 Gross motore

46.8 (9.7)

46.0 (9.7)

47.8 (9.6)

 Total scoref

161.4 (35.2)

156.1 (35.0)

167.0 (34.9)

Bayley-III Composite Scores


94.8 (11.7)

93.6 (13.3)

96.0 (9.7)


96.5 (14.4)

94.6 (16.6)

98.6 (11.3)


100.0 (13.8)

99.3 (14.7)

100.7 (12.8)

ASQ:I Raw Scores

 Problem solvingg

54.3 (15.9)

51.3 (15.8)

57.6 (15.4)


55.7 (16.1)

52.9 (15.3)

58.8 (16.5)

 Fine motorf

49.8 (11.5)

48.3 (11.3)

51.5 (11.5)

 Gross motorh

58.1 (16.5)

55.9 (16.3)

60.5 (16.4)

 Personal sociali

54.0 (16.6)

50.9 (15.9)

57.5 (16.8)


271.8 (72.7)

260.0 (70.3)

284.4 (73.4)

  1. Notes: Data are % (n) or mean (SD)
  2. Maximum scores for Bayley-III domains: cognitive = 91; receptive language = 49; expressive language = 48; fine motor = 66; gross motor = 72; total = 326. Maximum scores for ASQ:I domains: problem solving = 50; communication = 63; fine motor = 63; gross motor = 65; personal social = 68; total = 309
  3. FCI Family Care Indicators, Bayley-III Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development III, ASQ:I Ages and Stages Questionnaire Inventory
  4. an = 243; bn = 235; cn = 241; dn = 240; en = 242; fn = 237; gn = 239; hn = 238; in = 234; jn = 225