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Table 4 The proposed policy packages to combat childhood obesity in IR Iran

From: Setting and prioritizing evidence-informed policies to control childhood obesity in Iran: a mixed Delphi and policy dialogue approach

Policy package

Policy options

Healthy Families

Educating on healthy lifestyles in mass media

Educating on appropriate supplementary feeding

More support for breastfeeding

Social marketing to combat childhood obesity

A conditional cash transfer to families

Healthy schools, kindergartens, and other healthcare centers

Improving the school milk program

Improving a healthy breakfast program

Controlling food markets in schools and neighborhoods

Educating on healthy lifestyles in school curricula

Increasing the possibility of walking to schools

Increasing physical activity facilities in schools and parks close to schools

Adding at least 3 hours of physical education to school curricula

Employing an adequately-trained exercising coach

Screening the weight and height of children and referring and monitoring the malnourished ones

Increasing the availability of healthy foods

Enhancing the control of advertising

Subsidizing healthy foods

Taxation on unhealthy foods

Food reformulation

Modifying food baskets of supporting institutions

Modifying agricultural and commerce policies to provide nutrients rather than the sole energy

Providing an active environment

Increasing access to physical activity facilities with a priority for deprived areas

Environmental reengineering to increase the possibility of physical activity

Increasing the possibility of physical activity for girls and women

Modifying amusement parks to health-oriented centers

Improving health cares

Developing a guideline on “nutrition, physical activity, and children’s lifestyle.”

Enhancing pregnancy cares

Providing better health care in PHC with a priority on prevention

Enhancing academic education related to obesity in medical schools

Ensuring weight management cares

Propper governance and leadership

Increasing the involvement of stakeholders in policymaking

Advocacy for childhood obesity control

Increasing consultation and collaboration with international organizations

Increasing intersectional collaboration for better implementation of the policies

Modifying and better implementing the ratified policies

Developing, ratifying, and notifying the policy package “Enhancement of Nutrition and Physical Activity in Children.”