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Table 4 Distribution of mothers' favorable answers to self-reported performance questions regarding traumatic dental injuries management (n = 277)

From: Mothers’ knowledge and self-reported performance regarding the management of traumatic dental injuries and associated factors: a cross-sectional study




Case 1: Your 9-year-old daughter has fallen while was playing in the park. Her upper front tooth is fractured. There are no other injuries.


Do you think the broken tooth is a baby tooth or permanent tooth?

Answer: Permanent tooth



What is the first thing that you would do?

Answer: I will find the piece and immediately take my child to a dentist.



Case 2: Your 12-year-old son has fallen while was playing football. His mouth is covered with blood and his upper front tooth is missing. He has no other injuries. What is the best action that you would take? (You can choose more than one option)

Answer: I will find the tooth immediately, wash, and replace it in the bone and take the child to a dentist./ I will find the tooth and store it in a suitable storage and take the child to the nearest dentist./ I will find the tooth and give it to the child to store it in his mouth and take him to the nearest dentist.



Case 3: Your 10-year-old child has fallen while was playing and lost their consciousness. What is the first action that you would take in this condition?

Answer: I will take them to hospital immediately.



Case 4: Your 10-year-old child has bumped into their friend while was playing and when you look at them you see that one of their teeth has displaced. They have no other injuries. What would you do in this condition?

Answer: I won’t touch the tooth and take them immediately to a dentist.

