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Table 2 Summary data on dental caries experience by sociodemographic characteristics and responses to global items (brackets contain row percentages unless otherwise indicated)

From: Concurrent validity of the short-form Family Impact Scale (FIS-8) in 4-year-old US children


Number of children with 1 + d3mfta

Mean d3mft score (sd)a

Sociodemographic characteristics



47 (22.3)

0.7 (1.9)


36 (18.3)

0.7 (2.0)

 Race of child


11 (28.9)

0.4 (1.4)g


3 (50.0)

1.0 (2.0)


69 (19.0)

1.3 (2.9)

 Parental education

  Up to high school

33 (37.5)b

1.6 (2.9)h

  Some college

38 (16.7)

0.5 (1.4)

  Masters or above

12 (13.0)

0.3 (0.8)

 Language spoken at home


64 (18.4)c

0.6 (1.6)i


19 (31.7)

1.2 (2.7)

 Employed adult in home


15 (38.5)d

1.4 (2.6)j


68 (18.4)

0.6 (1.7)

Responses to global items

 Health of child’s teeth or mouth


11 (7.7)e

0.3 (1.2)k

  Very good

29 (17.0)

0.4 (1.4)


27 (37.5)

1.5 (2.8)


13 (72.2)

3.6 (3.2)


2 (100.0)

5.5 (0.7)

 How much are your family’s daily lives affected by child’s teeth, lips, jaws or mouth?

  Not at all

47 (16.4)f

0.6 (1.7)l

  Very little

24 (25.5)

0.9 (2.2)


9 (52.9)

2.2 (2.8)

  A lot

1 (14.3)

0.1 (0.4)

  Very much

1 (33.3)

3.3 (5.8)

All combined

83 (20.3)

0.7 (1.8)

  1. aOne or more teeth with cavitated caries lesions; caries experience data missing for 14 children
  2. bP < 0.001; df = 3; Chi-square = 20.13
  3. cP = 0.03; df = 1; Chi-square = 5.53
  4. dP = 0.02; df = 1; Chi-square = 5.35
  5. eP < 0.001; df = 4; Chi-square = 66.49
  6. fP = 0.003; df = 4; Chi-square = 15.98
  7. gP = 0.003; df = 2; Kruskal–Wallis H = 22.91
  8. hP < 0.001; df = 2; Kruskal–Wallis H = 22.29
  9. iP = 0.03; df = 1; Mann–Whitney U test; Z = -2.14
  10. jP = 0.02; df = 1; Mann–Whitney U test; Z = -2.4
  11. kP < 0.001; df = 4; Kruskal–Wallis H = 74.84
  12. lP = 0.001; df = 4; Kruskal–Wallis H = 17.61