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Table 3 Descriptive list of concomitant congenital anomalies by system

From: The characteristics and perioperative outcomes of children with orofacial clefts managed at an academic hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa



Head and neck/ neurological

Head: Microcephaly, craniosynostosis, plagiocephaly, scaphocephaly, frontal bossing, midface hypoplasia, micrognathia, mental retardation, short neck, flat nasal bridge, glosso-ptosis

Neurological: cranial nerve palsies, cerebral palsy

Eyes: cataract, amniotic bands, coloboma, anophthalmia, nystagmus, ptosis

Ears: low-set, absent external auditory meatus, complete hearing loss


Muscular dystrophy, clubfoot, cleft hands and feet, syndactyly, limb contractures, scoliosis, kyphosis, hypotonia, amniotic bands, missing phalanges, claw hands and feet


Patent Ductus Arteriosus, Tetralogy of Fallot


Absent kidney, ectopic kidney, undescended testicles

Respiratory system

Pectus excavatum, hypoplastic lung, rib abnormalities


Umbilical hernia