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Table 1 Site-wise demographic and clinical characteristics of children with ARI, n = 7026

From: Feasibility of establishing acute respiratory infection treatment units (ATU) for improvement of care of children with acute respiratory infection


SKIMS, Srinagar,

N = 2532

KIMS, Hubbali,

N = 1802

AIIMS, Bhubaneswar, N = 2090

MP Saha Medical College, Jamnagar, N = 304

AIIMS, Jodhpur, N = 298

Total, N = 7026

Age in months

21 (9, 39)

21 (10, 36)

27 (14, 47)

15 (9, 31)

13 (6, 28)

23 (10, 40)

Boys, n (%)

1526 (60.3)

1032 (57.3)

1314 (62.9)

174 (57.2)

205 (68.8)

4251 (60.5)

Weight-for-age, z score

0.33 (−0.41, 1.01)

−1.83 (−2.65, − 1.04)

−0.85 (− 1.75, 0.04)

−1.43 (− 2.42,

− 0.58)

−0.98 (− 1.71, − 0.13)

−0.69 (− 1.83, 0.35)

Height/length-for-age, z score

0.6 (− 0.63, 1.95)

−2.79 (−3.95, − 1.62)

−0.69 (− 1.72, 0.52)

−1.21 (− 2.81, 0.39)

−1.15 (− 1.98, − 0.43)

− 0.76 (− 2.36, 0.77)

Weight for height/length, z score

0.02 (−0.61, 0.58)

− 0.3 (− 1.29, 0.56)

−0.75 (− 1.77, 0.32)

−1.13 (− 2.34, 0.24)

−0.55 (− 1.25, 0.36)

−0.29 (− 1.14, 0.53)

Cough, n (%)

2516 (99.4)

1802 (100)

2090 (100)

294 (96.7)

293 (98.3)

6995 (99.6)

Fever, n (%)

1168 (46.1)

1439 (79.9)

873 (41.8)

279 (91.8)

239 (80.2)

3998 (56.9)

Audible wheeze, n (%)

45 (1.8)

1 (0.1)

283 (13.5)

180 (59.2)

3 (1.01)

512 (7.3)

Fast breathing, n (%)

170 (6.7)

168 (9.3)

80 (3.9)

179 (60.7)

118 (39.6)

715 (10.2)

Chest indrawing, n (%)

87 (3.4)

324 (17.9)

46 (2.2)

9 (2.9)

12 (4.03)

478 (6.8)

SpO2, mean (SD), in %

96.5 (1.9)

96.3 (3.5)

98.5 (1.9)

97.2 (1.4)

97.2 (2.3)

97.1 (2.6)

Children with SpO2 ≤ 92%, n (%)

115 (4.5)

120 (6.6)

10 (0.5)

0 (0)

7 (2.3)

252 (3.6)

Abnormal breath sounds present on auscultation, n (%)

51 (2.0)

345 (19.1)

305 (29.1)

104 (34.2)

76 (25.5)

881 (12.5)

  1. Values are expressed in median (IQR) unless specified