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Table 1 Characteristics of Mothers with SARS-CoV-2 Infection

From: Management and short-term outcomes of neonates born to mothers with active perinatal SARS-CoV-2 infection


No. (%)

Number of mothers


Age, median (IQR), in years

27 (21–31)



6 (9%)


15 (22%)

 Black or African American

44 (66%)


2 (3%)

Mode of delivery


39 (58%)


28 (42%)

Indications for Cesarean delivery

 Repeat C-section.

10 (36%)

 Worsening maternal condition due to COVID-19

3 (11%)


3 (11%)


2 (7%)

 Arrest of descent

2 (7%)


3 (11%)

 Fetal distress

10 (36%)

 Severe IUGR

2 (7%)


5 (18%)

Maternal condition before admission


54 (81%)

 Sick at home

9 (13%)

 Required hospitalization within 14 d prior to delivery

4 (6%)

Indication for SARS-CoV-2 testing

 URI symptoms

3 (5%)

 LRI symptoms

8 (13%)


3 (5%)

 Gastrointestinal symptoms

0 (0%)

 Myalgias or fatigue

0 (0%)

 Anosmia or ageusia

2 (2%)

 Contact with SARS-CoV-2 case

3 (5%)

 Previous positive

4 (6%)

 Asymptomatic screening

55 (89%)

SARS-CoV-2 status at time of delivery

 Confirmed positive.

42 (63%)

 Person under investigation (PUI)

25 (37%)

Time from diagnosis to delivery, median (IQR), in days

1 (0–1.75)

Specific treatment for SARS-CoV-2


61 (91%)


3 (5%)


4 (4%)

 Convalescent plasma

1 (2%)

Length of stay, median (IQR), in days

2 (2–3)

Final maternal disposition

 Discharged home

67 (100%)


0 (0%)

  1. Abbreviations: IQR interquartile range, SARS-CoV-2 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, IUGR In utero growth restriction, URI Upper respiratory tract infections, LRI Lower respiratory tract infections