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Table 3 Recommendations and sources of the evidence for preventing poisoning

From: Prevention of unintentional injuries in children under five years


Guidelines and/or institutions recommending the intervention

Source of the evidence

Remove the toxic agent

- WHO 2008; European region [1]

- RCPCH 2019 [2]

- Flanagan 2005; cohort study [52]

- Roberts 2003; cohort study [53]


- Pass and enforce legislation requiring child-resistant packaging of medicines and poisons

- Packaging drugs in non-lethal quantities

- WHO 2008; European region [1]

- EuroSafe 2006 [13]

- Flanagan 2005; cohort study [52]

- European laws and regulations 2008 [54]

Poison control centres

- Establishing poison control centres

- Having a poison control centre sticker available

- Know the nationwide poison control centre phone number

- WHO 2008; European region [1]

- PrevInfad 2011 [42]

- CDC 2019 [16]

- EuroSafe 2006 [13]

- IPCS INTOX Programme [49]

- WHO resources for poisons centre [55]

- Kendrick 2013; Cochrane systematic review [51]

- Kendrick 2012; Cochrane systematic review [46]

- Bateman 2002; cohort study [56]

Secure storage

Lock away medicines and other toxic substances

- WHO 2008; European region [1]

- PrevInfad 2011 [42]

- RCPCH 2019 [2]

- CDC 2019 [16]

- EuroSafe 2006 [13]

- Kendrick 2013; Cochrane systematic review [51]

- Kendrick 2012; Cochrane systematic review [46]

- Turner 2011; Cochrane systematic review [50]

Remove or regulate availability of toxic substances that are easily mistaken for edible items

- WHO 2008; European region [1]

(See original documents)

Teach children to avoid poisonous substances

- WHO 2008; European region [1]

(See original documents)

Attractiveness of medications and poisons

- Reduce the attractiveness of medications and poisonous products

- Do not call medicine ‘candy’

- WHO 2008; European region [1]

- CDC 2019 [16]

(See original documents)

Provide home safety education and safety equipment

- WHO 2008; European region [1]

- Kendrick 2013; Cochrane systematic review [51]

- Turner 2011; Cochrane systematic review [50]

Safe use of syrup of ipecac

Routine administration of ipecac at the site of ingestion or in the emergency department should be avoided

- PrevInfad 2011 [42]

- Kendrick 2012; Cochrane systematic review [46]

- Höjer 2013; systematic review [57]

  1. Abbreviations: CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, PrevInfad PrevInfad workgroup from the Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics, RCPCH Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, WHO World Health Organization