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Table 1 Patient demographics and clinical variables within the cohort

From: Extraperitoneal pediatric kidney transplantation of adult renal allograft using an en-bloc native liver and kidney mobilization technique


Median (IQR)

Recipient age at transplant (years)

5 (3-9)

Recipient body weight (kg)

17.5 (14.5–24)

Donor age (years)

24 (19–31)

Recipient number of prior surgeriesa

Mode (range)

2 (1–13)


N (%)

Recipient gender


14 (66.6)


7 (33.3)

Recipient history of bladder augmentation

6 (28.5)

Donor kidney type


14 (66.6)


7 (33.3)

  1. DD deceased donor; LD living donor, IQR interquartile range
  2. ain 16 patients who had previous abdominal surgeries