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Table 1 Search strategy for Medline

From: A scoping review of physical activity and screen time guidelines for use in Outside School Hours Care

1. (“out of school care” or “OSHC” or “outside school hours care” or “after school” or “after-school” or after school or “before school” or “before-school” or before school)

2. Practice guidelinea

3. Guidelinea

4. (guidelinec or recommendb or policb)

5. 2 or 3 or 4

6. Exercisea


8. physical activitb

9. 6 or 7 or 8

10. Sedentary Behavioura

11. (sedentary or screen-time or screen time)

12. 10 or 11

13. 1 and 5 and 9 and 12

  1. Footnote: (a) Subject heading (MeSH) Medline, (b) truncation symbol, (c) wildcard symbol guideline AND physical activity OR screen time AND after school AND before school