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Table 3 Examples of codes, sub- categories, and main categories

From: Food habits in overweight and obese adolescent girls with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): a qualitative study in Iran



Main category

-Abundant use of sauce

-Abundant use of fast food

-Abundant use of prepared food

-Abundant use of fried food

High consumption of fatty and salty foods

High consumption of unhealthy foods

-Eating sweets and ice-cream after meals

-Eating cookies, chocolate, and sweet desert daily

-Daily consumption of cake as a snack or breakfast

- High consumption of soft drink and industrial fruit juice

High consumption of sugar-rich foods

-Eating snacks immediately after a meal

- Frequent use of junk food as a snack

-Consuming cheese puffs and chips

High consumption of unhealthy snacks

Non-consumption of milk

-Replacing soft-drink with yogurt

Low consumption of dairy products

Low consumption of healthy foods

Low consumption of lamb, calf and cow meat

-Low consumption of peas, beans, and lentils

-Low consumption of fish and shrimp

Low consumption of meat, beans, fish and seafood

-No fruit consumption in spite of their availability

-Unwillingness to consume vegetable

-No vegetable consumption in spite of their availability

Low consumption of fiber-rich foods

- Speaking on the cell phone while eating

- Eating while watching TV

- Playing with the cellphone while eating

-Craving for more food

- Eating quickly

Lack of concentration and consumption of large meals

Inappropriate behavioral habits

-Sleeping right after eating

-Long-lasting sitting

-Limited physical activity

Inappropriate dietary and physical activity patterns

-Eliminating breakfast from the daily food program

-Arbitrarily food limitation

-Eliminating dinner for losing weight

Skipping the meals and going on arbitrary diets