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Table 3 Swallowing problems influencing oral drug administration for managing childhood as reported by parents (N0= 139)a

From: The difficulties experienced during the preparation and administration of oral drugs by parents at home: a cross-sectional study from Palestine


Frequency (%)

Type of problemb

 Drugs hang in the throat

32 (23)

 Uncomfortable sense

32 (23)

 Chocking sense

18 (12.9)


32 (23)


82 (59)

How many times did he complain of swallowing difficulty?


29 (20.9)


109 (78.4)

 One time

1 (0.7)

Doctor advise about the problemc

 Change drug

36 (48)

 Change dose

1 (1.3)

 Give some tips to overcome the problem

29 (38.7)

 Forget the problem

9 (12)

  1. aThe number (139) reflected the number of children who had swallowing problems
  2. bTotal exceeds 100 % as data are overlapping due to multiple answers
  3. cPercentage calculated by dividing by 75 “the number of parents discussed swallowing problem with their doctor”