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Fig. 1 | BMC Pediatrics

Fig. 1

From: Functional characteristics of circulating granulocytes in severe congenital neutropenia caused by ELANE mutations

Fig. 1

Abundance of eosinophils in bone marrow and peripheral blood from SCN1 patients. a Representative images of bone marrow fluid stained with Wright’s stain from three SCN1 patients (P05-P07). b The bar graph shows the percentage (mean + SD) of neutrophil- (Neu, black bars) and eosinophil- (Eos, grey bars) precursors during different development stages in the bone marrow; promyelocytes (PM), myelocytes (MC), metamyelocytes (MM), band cells (BC), and segmented cells (SC) from seven SCN1 patients (P01-P02 and P05-P09). Reference values are included for comparison. c The bar graph shows the percentage (mean + SD) of peripheral eosinophils and neutrophils generated by manual analyses of blood smears (black bars) and by automated Sysmex blood analyser (white bars) from four SCN1 patients (P01, P05-P06 and P09). d The concentration of MPO (μg/5 × 104 granulocytes) in Ficoll-Paque enriched granulocyte lysates from three SCN1 patients (P04–06; black dots) and three healthy donors (HC; grey dots) analysed by ELISA are shown. e The histograms show the auto fluorescence of Ficoll-Paque enriched unstained granulocytes from two healthy controls (grey) and seven SCN1 patients (black; P02-P08) in the FITC-channel as analysed by flow cytometry. Statistical analysis in b and c was performed by paired Student’s t-tests comparing the percentage of neutrophils versus eosinophils (b) for each maturation stage separately and, (c) for the blood smear count and the Sysmex count separately, whilst (d) was analysed by an unpaired Student’s t-test

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