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Table 2 Details of the studies from south Asia included in the meta-analysis

From: Cognitive and motor outcomes in children born low birth weight: a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies from South Asia

Author (year)

Site of recruitment; Type of study


Study population

Sample size

Tool(s) used

Age at assessment

Key outcome(s)

Quality score

Chaudhari (1999) [30]


Prospective follow up


Infants with BW < 2000 g discharged from Neonatal special care units and full term neonates with BW > 2500 g followed up till their 6 years of age

Children with low BW- 201

Children with normal BW-71

Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale (SBIS)

School report card assessment

At 6 years of age

Mean IQ score

- LBW: 94.3 (13.6)

- NBW: 101.38 (10.2)

Proportion with abnormal IQ (score of < 85 score)

- LBW: 17%

- NBW: 5.6%

Proportion with poor school performance (< 35% marks obtained)

- LBW: 12.6%

- NBW: 1.8%


Tandon (A)(2000) [31]

Hospital; Prospective follow up


Infants with BW ≤2000 g discharged from special care nursery and followed up in high risk clinics; controls were healthy term infants with BW > 2500 g followed in well baby clinics

Children with low BW:27

Children with normal BW: 28

Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale (SBIS);

Raven’s Progressive Matrices;

M.E Hertzig method of assessing signs of motor dysfunction

Age range of 5 to 9 years; mean age of 7.0 (SD 1.1) years

Mean cognitive score

- LBW: 105.6 (13.4)

- NBW: 116 (11.6)

Proportion with low IQ score (<25th percentile)

- LBW: 18.5%

- NBW: 0.0%

Proportion with signs of motor dysfunction

- LBW: 37%

- NBW: 10.7%


Tandon (B)(2000) [31]

Hospital; Prospective follow up


Infants with BW ≤2000 g discharged from special care nursery and followed up in high risk clinics; controls were healthy term infants with BW > 2500 g followed in well baby clinics

Children with low BW:32

Children with normal BW: 29

Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale (SBIS);

Raven’s Progressive Matrices;

M.E Hertzig method of assessing signs of motor dysfunction

Age range of 9 to 13 years; mean age of 10.6 (SD 1.2) years

Mean cognitive score

- LBW: 99.6 (10.8)

- NBW: 110.6 (7.3)

Proportion with low IQ score (<25th percentile)

- LBW: 25%

- NBW: 3.4%

Proportion with signs of motor dysfunction

- LBW: 19%

- NBW: 3.4%


Chaudhari (2004) [32]

Hospital; Prospective follow up


Infants with BW < 2000 g discharged from Neonatal special care units and full term neonates with BW > 2500 g and followed up till their 12 years of age

Adolescents with low BW- 180

Adolescents with normal BW-90

Weschler’s Intelligence Scale;

Movement assessment battery;

School report card assessment

At 12 years of age

Mean IQ score

- LBW: 89.5 (16.9)

- NBW: 97.2 (14.1)

Proportion with abnormal IQ (score of < 85)

- LBW: 37.7%

- NBW: 18.8%

Proportion with poor school performance (< 50% marks obtained)

- LBW: 21.6%

- NBW: 10.0%

Mean motor impairment score

- LBW: 9.8 (3)

- NBW: 7.3 (2.9)


Juneja (2005) [33]

Hospital; Prospective follow up


Term infants < 2000 g and term infants with normal birth weight (> 2500 g)

Infants with BW < 2000 g-50

Infants with BW > 2500 g-30

Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID II)

At 18 months

Mean mental development quotient

- < 2000 g: 91.5 (16.9)

- > 2500 g: 102 (8.4)

Mean motor development quotient

- < 2000 g: 93.2 (19.7)

- > 2500 g: 99.5 (10.3)

Proportion with adverse mental development outcome

- < 2000 g: 20%

- > 2500 g: 3.3%

Proportion with adverse motor development outcome

- < 2000 g: 24%

- > 2500 g: 3.3%


Taneja (2005) [34]

Community; Cross-sectional


Children aged 12 to 18 months enrolled in a randomized controlled trial

Children with low BW- 61

Children with normal BW-116

Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID II)

At 12–18 months of age

Findings of assessment at baseline used

Mean mental development quotient

- LBW: 102.2 (12.26)

- NBW: 102.8 (11.03)

Mean motor development quotient

- LBW: 100.08 (13.97)

- NBW: 101.06 (12.37)

Proportion with abnormal mental score (score of < 85)

- LBW: 4.92%

- NBW: 5.17%

Proportion with abnormal motor score (score of < 85)

- LBW: 13.1%

- NBW: 4.3%


Subasinghe (2006) [35]

Community; Cross-sectional

Sri Lanka

Preschool children within the age range of 36–54 months

Children with low BW: 12

Children with normal BW: 62

Early Screening Inventory for Preschoolers (ESI-P)

36 to 54 months of age

Mean cognitive score

- LBW: 63.35 (14.5)

- NBW: 65.32 (15.7)

Mean gross motor score

- LBW: 62.7 (7.4)

- NBW: 68.81 (18.1)


Nair (2009) [36]

Hospital; Prospective follow up


Adolescents with known birth weight, follow up done at 13 years of age

Adolescents with low BW-183

Adolescents with normal BW-211

Raven’s coloured progressive matrices

At 13 years of age

Proportion with low IQ score (≤25th percentile)

- LBW: 51.4%

- NBW: 41.7%


Sidhu (2010) [37]

Community; Cross-sectional


Children aged 2 to 35 months recruited from a urban center

Children with low BW: 57

Children with normal BW: 196

Clinical Linguistic Auditory Milestone Scale (CLAMS)

2–35 months of age; mean age of 14.15 months

Mean Language Quotient (LQ)a

- LBW: 85.07 (16.6)

- NBW: 94.66 (16.6)


Hoque (2012) [38]

Hospital; Prospective follow up


Newborns discharged from a special care baby unit and followed till 12 months of age

Infants with low BW: 25

Infants with normal BW: 80

Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID II)

At 12 months of age

Mean mental score

- LBW: 114.18 (12.80)

- NBW: 117.11 (12.04)

Mean motor score

- LBW: 96.14 (25.12)

- NBW: 108.41 (19.69)


Khan (2012) [39]

Hospital; Prospective follow up


Neonates discharged from neonatal intensive care unit and followed till 6 months of age

Infants with low BW: 92

Infants with normal BW: 18

Denver Development Screening Test (DDST II)

At 6 months of age

Proportion with delayed development (development quotient < 60)b

- LBW: 38%

- NBW: 0%


Tofail (2012) [40]

Community; Secondary data analysis from a randomized controlled trial


Live born singletons

Low BW infants- 66

Normal BW infants- 183

Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID II)

At 10 months of age

Mean mental index score

- LBW: 99.5 (7)

- NBW: 102.9 (8)

Mean motor index score

- LBW: 96.8 (10)

- NBW: 102.7 (10)


Modi (2013) [41]

Hospital; Prospective follow up


VLBW admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit prospectively followed till 1 year of corrected age. A cohort of term, birth weight (≥2500 g) infants born during same period was enrolled for comparison.



Developmental Assessment Scale for Indian Infants (DAS II)

At 12 months of age

Mean mental index score

- VLBW: 92.9 (8.0)

- NBW: 98.4 (6.1)

Mean motor index score

- VLBW: 90.1 (9.6)

- NBW: 96.6 (5.8)


Chaudhari (2013) [42]

Hospital; Prospective follow up


Infants with BW < 2000 g discharged from Neonatal special care units and full term neonates with BW > 2500 g and followed up till their 18 years of age

Adolescents with low BW-161

Adolescents with normal BW-73

Raven’s Progressive Matrices

At 18 years of age

Mean IQ scorea

- LBW: 39.3 (29.9)

- NBW: 52.5 (29.9)

Proportion with low IQ score (<25th percentile)

- LBW: 24.2%

- NBW: 12.7%

Poor school performance (failed at least in one standard in school)

- LBW: 25.5%

- NBW: 5.5%


Avan (2014) [43]

Community; Cross-sectional


Low birth weight and normal birth weight infants

Low BW infants-86

Normal BW infants-566

Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID II)

Within 3 years of age

Mean psychomotor development index score

- In low BW: 94.13 (18.13)

- In normal BW: 98.47 (15.84)


Nair (2014) [44]

Hospital; Prospective follow up


Infants discharged from Neonatal special care units and followed up with 12 months of age

Infants with low BW- 170

Infants with normal BW-429

Developmental Assessment Scale for Indian Infants (DAS II)

At 12 months of age

Mean mental index scorea

- LBW: 107.83 (11.04)

- NBW: 110.51 (8.38)

Mean motor index scorea

- LBW: 99.72 (14.28)

- NBW: 104.17 (10.86)


Christian (2014) [45]

Community; Prospective follow up


Children aged 7 to 9 years who were part of an earlier nutrition supplementation trial

Children with low BW-764

Children with normal BW-1163

UNIT for general intelligence;

Finger tapping test for fine motor

At 7 to 9 years of age (mean age of 8.4 years)

Mean Intelligence score (UNIT)

- LBW: 47.6 (9.4)

- NBW: 51.6 (10.1)

Mean fine motor score

- LBW: 35.8 (5.4)

- NBW: 36.9 (5.1)

Mean motor impairment score

- LBW: 9.98 (6.73)

- NBW: 7.62 (5.59)


Chattopadhyay (2015) [46]

Hospital; Prospective follow up


Newborns discharged from SNCU

Children with low BW- 206

Children with normal BW-181



Visual and hearing assessment

Under 3 years of age

Proportion with developmental delay

- LBW: 38.8%

- NBW: 20.9%


Singh (2017) [47]

Community; Cross-sectional


Children under 2 years of age from an urbanized village

Children with low BW- 43

Children with normal BW-153

Ages and Stages questionnaire, 3rd Edition

Under 2 years of age

Proportion with development delay

- LBW: 16.3%

- NBW: 2.0%


Kvestad (2017) [48]

Community; Prospective follow up


Infants aged 2–12 months enrolled through a cross-sectional survey and followed up till 5 years of age

Children with low BW: 124

Children with normal BW: 193

Ages and Stages Questionnaire, 3rd edition

At 5 years of age

Mean cognitive score

- LBW: 52.68 (6.9)

- NBW: 51.61 (9.1)

Mean motor score

- LBW: 53.44 (6.1)

- NBW: 53.37 (7.5)


  1. BW birth weight, LBW low birth weight, VLBW very low birth weight, NBW normal birth weight, IQ intelligence quotient
  2. aSD calculated using imputation method (
  3. bDevelopmental delay was assessed based on the cumulative score of developmental quotient (DQ) for each of the four domains (i.e. gross motor, language, fine motor and personal/social skills) and dividing by 4. A score of < 60 were labelled as “developmentally delayed”. DQ was calculated as, (developmental age/corrected chronological age)*100. Developmental age was established depending on the degree of achievement in each domain; UNIT-Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test; CO = − cohort; RCT- randomized controlled trial; TDSC- Trivandrum Developmental Screening Chart; DDST- Denver Developmental Screening tool