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Table 1 Summary of practical applications for the use of exercise as medicine for pediatric chronic disease. Note that these suggestions are not formal exercise recommendations; rather suggesions based on the current narrative review

From: Physical activity for children with chronic disease; a narrative review and practical applications


Aerobic Exercise

HIIT Exercise

Resistance Training

Flexibility Training

General Comments


F: Min 2x/week, progressive up to 7x/week

I: Moderate intensity (~ 70% max HR); progressive

T: 30–45 min sessions; progressive

Ty: Aerobic activities (e.g. Running, swimming, cycling)

F: 2x/week

I: > 75% max HR; progressive

T: 30 min sessions; progressive, ensure adequate rest between work sessions (> 2 min);

Ty: Interval training

F: 2-3x/week, non-consecutive days

I: Moderate intensity, 70% of peak workload; progressive

T: 3–5 sets of 10 repetitions; progressive

Ty: body-weight exercises; supervised use of weights

F: 2x/week

I: Not determined

T: 15–20 min

Ty: Yoga, stretching

Overall goal for exercise prescription in most chronic diseases is to have the patient achieve PA guidelines of 60 min/day using a combination of types of exercises described.

Refer to disease sections for discussion of special considerations during exercise.


F: Min 3x/week, progressive up to 7x/week

I: Moderate intensity (~ 70% max HR); progressive

T: Progressive to 60 min/session

Ty: Aerobic activities (e.g. indoor soccer, cycling)

No evidence to support safety. Avoid at this time

F: 2-3x/week, non-consecutive days

I: Moderate intensity, 70% of peak workload; progressive

T: 1–2 sets of 8–15 repetitions; progressive to more

Ty: body-weight exercises; supervised use of weights

F: 2x/week

I: Not determined

T: 15–20 min

Ty: Yoga, stretching


F: Progressive up to 7x/week

I: Mild to moderate/high intensity (40–85% max HR); progressive

T: Progressive to 60 min/session

Ty: Aerobic activities (e.g., running, cycling, dance)

No evidence to support safety. Avoid at this time

F: 2-3x/week, non-consecutive days

I: Low to moderate intensity (40–70% of peak workload); progressive

T: 1–2 sets of 8–15 repetitions

Ty: body-weight exercises; low resistance; supervised use of weights

F: 2x/week

I: Not determined

T: 15–20 min

Ty: Yoga, stretching

Obesity & T2D

F: Progressive up to 7x/week

I: Moderate to high intensity (70–85% max HR); progressive

T: Progressive to 60 min/session

Ty: Aerobic activities (e.g., running, cycling, swimming)

F: 2 x/week

I: 70–85% max HR; progressive

T: 30 min sessions; ensure adequate rest between work sessions (> 2 min); progressive

Ty: Interval training

Note: No evidence to support safety in T2D, avoid at this time

F: 2-3x/week, non-consecutive days

I: Moderate intensity (70% of peak workload); progressive

T: 1–3 sets of 8–15 repetitions; increase resistance progressively

Ty: body-weight exercises; supervised use of weights

F: 2x/week

I: Not determined

T: 15–20 min

Ty: Yoga, stretching


F: 2–3 x/week

I: Moderate to high intensity (65–85% max HR); progressive

T: 45–60 min/session; progressive

Ty: Aerobic activities (e.g., running, cycling, swimming)

No evidence to support safety. Avoid at this time

F: 2-3x/week, non-consecutive days

I: Low to moderate intensity (40–70% peak workload); progressive

T: 1–3 sets of 8–15 repetitions; increase resistance progressively

Ty: body-weight exercises; use of resistance bands; supervised use of weights

F: 2x/week

I: Not determined

T: 15–20 min

Ty: Yoga, stretching


F: 2–4 x/week; progressive up to 3–5 x/week

I: Start low, mild intensity (40% max HR); progressive up to moderate intensity (70% max HR)

T: 30–45 min/session; progressive (can break into shorter 10 min blocks)

Ty: Aerobic activities (e.g., running, cycling, swimming)

No evidence to support safety. Avoid at this time

F: 1-3x/week, non-consecutive days

I: Low-moderate intensity (40–60% of peak workload); progressive

T: 1–3 sets of 8–15 repetitions; increase resistance progressively

Ty: body-weight exercises; use of resistance bands; supervised use of weights

F: 2x/week

I: Not determined

T: 15–20 min

Ty: Yoga, stretching, balancing

  1. CF Cystic Fibrosis
  2. CHD Congenital Heart Disease
  3. T2D Type 2 Diabetes
  4. JIA Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
  5. F Frequency of exercise
  6. I Intensity of exercise
  7. T Time, i.e., amount of exercise
  8. Ty Type of exercise
  9. HR Heart rate