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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of patients with Kawasaki disease with sterile pyuria

From: Early features of Kawasaki disease with pyuria in febrile infants younger than 6 months


n (%) or median (range)

Typical KD/Atypical KD

2/10 (16.7%/83.3%)


7/5 (36.1%/63.9%)

Age (months)

5.2 (2.5–5.9)

Total duration of fever (days)

5.5 (3–13)

Duration of fever before admission (days)

4.5 (2–9)

IVIG usage (times)



11 (91.7%)


1 (8.3%)

Presence of coronary artery lesion (CAL)a

3 (25%)

 Bilateral coronary ectasia

1 (8.3%)

 Left main artery dilatation

1 (8.3%)

 LAD dilatation

1 (8.3%)

  1. KD Kawasaki disease, IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin, LAD left anterior descending coronary artery, Data are presented as case number, percentages or median (range)
  2. aCAL is defined according to the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare guidelines