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Table 2 Timeline of Case 2

From: Kawasaki disease: two case reports from the Aga Khan Hospital, Dar es Salaam-Tanzania


Relevant past medical history and interventions

Previously well child with no chronic disease, growth and development appropriate for age, vaccinations complete as per schedule


Summary from initial and follow up visits

Diagnostic testing (including dates)


August 2013 – day 1

Fever for 6 days and redness of eyes, lips and mouth. Treated with antimalarials, antibiotics with no relief

On examination: dry cracked lips, conjuctival injection, rash at BCG scar site and on the neck

Diagnosis: incomplete kawasaki

Platelets: normal – 190,000/μl

Malaria negative

Echo: normal coronary arteries

High dose aspirin – 90 mg/kg/day

Day 3

Fever resolved

Swelling of hands and feet

Diagnosis: complete kawasaki

Platelets elevated – 743,000/μl

CRP elevated: 153 mg/l

Aspirin reduced to 5 mg/kg/day

Day 7

Swelling subsided

Skin exfoliation

Repeat platelet count: 605,000/μl

CRP: reduced to 60 mg/l

Aspirin continued

Day 30

Follow up visit – no signs and symptoms

Repeat echo: normal

CRP - < 5 mg/l

Platelets: normal range

Aspiring stopped