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Table 3 Subgroups in our study

From: Adherence to the neonatal resuscitation algorithm for preterm infants in a tertiary hospital in Spain


Group N (staff neonatologists) (n = 18)

Group P (pediatricians oncall) (n = 32)


GA (weeks, SD) (range)

294 ± 16 (255–316)

293 ± 14 (260–316)

NS (0.90)a

Male (%)

8/18 (44.4)

18/32 (56.2)

NS (0.61)b

BW (g, SD) (range)

1091 ± 418 (460–1900)

1232 ± 333 (720–2015)

NS (0.20)a

RS (possible points) (range)

12.66 ± 4.39 (6–20)

13.96 ± 3.71 (6–20)

NS (0.29)c

  1. Group N Staff Neonatologists, group P Pediatricians On-call, GA Gestational Age, SD Standard Deviation, BW Birth Weight, RS Resuscitation Score. aPaired T-test, bChi-square, cMann-Whitney U test, dIndicates significance at the P < 0.05 level. NS: non-significant