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Table 2 Maternal and neonatal data collection until neonatal hospital discharge

From: LyTONEPAL: long term outcome of neonatal hypoxic encephalopathy in the era of neuroprotective treatment with hypothermia: a French population-based cohort

Mother and pregnancy characteristics

• Maternal age, parity, educational level, occupation, history of previous pregnancies, medical history and complications of the current pregnancy

Circumstances of birth

• Labor and delivery mode:

onset of labor, mode of delivery, intrapartum complications, fetal heart rate monitoring

• Neonatal characteristics:

gestational age, birthweight, gender, small for gestational age (<10th percentile), 1, 5 and 10 min Apgar scores, cord or arterial pH, base deficit within the first hour of life, neonatal transfer

• Care in delivery room:

O2, ventilation, resuscitation

• Placental examination and fetal autopsy (if performed)

Admission in NICU

• Standardized neurological examination:

Sarnat classification and Thompson score during the first week of life.

• First clinical investigations:

Electrophysiological examination (cEEG or aEEG) and neuro-imaging

Hospital stay in neonatal units

• Clinical investigations

Electrophysiological examination (standard or amplitude-integrated), Cerebral ultrasound exams (Doppler and morphological), Brain MRI (diffusion –weighted and standard), Standard blood tests (heart, liver, kidney).

• Treatment:

analgesia, sedatives, anticonvulsant treatment, cooling or other neuroprotective strategies, ventilation, nutrition

• Neonatal morbidity and mortality:

pulmonary, cardiac, renal or liver pathologies, multi-organ system failure, neonatal death (date and presumed cause)

Hospital discharge from neonatal unit

• Standardized neurological examination:

Sarnat definition, Thompson score, and Amiel-Tison neurological assessment.

• Hospital discharge:

discharge home, discharge to another care facility, death

• Presumed circumstances or cause of HIE according to the neonatologist:

Identified maternal, obstetrical, or neonatal conditions and events

Organization of care

• Place of birth, level of care of the maternity ward, timing of transfer and admission to NICU, transport conditions, level of care of the first and subsequent neonatal units, length of hospital stay