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Table 1 Description of the Rome III criteria for functional constipation [16]

From: Physiotherapy plus conventional treatment versus conventional treatment only in the treatment of functional constipation in children: design of a randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness study in primary care

According to the ROME III criteria, a child must have a developmental age of at least 4 years and fulfill two or more of the following criteria, at least two months prior to diagnosisa:

1) two or fewer defecations in the toilet per week,

2) at least one episode of fecal incontinence per week,

3) history of retentive posturing or excessive volitional stool retention at least once a week,

4) history of painful or hard bowel movement at least once a week,

5) presence of a large fecal mass in the rectum at least once a week,

6) history of large diameter stools that may obstruct the toilet at least once a week.

  1. aFor the purpose of this study, patients were eligible for enrollment if symptoms were present for at least one month before diagnosis, rather than two months, which is in agreement with the recently published Rome-IV criteria [27]