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Table 1 Summary of data collection and timeline (Under section: Data collection - page 10)

From: Contribution of early nutrition on the development of malnutrition and allergic diseases in the first year of life: a study protocol for the Mother and Infant Cohort Study (MICOS)




3rd trimester

3 months

6 months

12 months









 Educational level






 Monthly household income



 Obstetric history



 Pre-pregnancy body weight and height



 Body weight during pregnancy



 Body weight after delivery





 Smoking during pregnancy



 Habitual dietary intake





 Sun exposure





 Serum 25(OH)D level









 Mode of delivery




 Body weight, length, head circumferences





 Family history of allergic diseases



 Pet ownership





 Day care attendance





 Number of siblings




 Environmental tobacco smoke exposure





 Infant feeding practices





 Antibiotic, probiotic, and paracetamol intakes





 Development of allergic diseases





 Atopic sensitization

