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Table 2 Estimated unadjusted and adjusted beta coefficients of positive-interaction parenting and related characteristics among primiparous mothers with children 0–23 month-old

From: Characteristics of positive-interaction parenting style among primiparous teenage, optimal age, and advanced age mothers in Canada


Teen Mothers N = 49,050

Optimal Age Mothers N = 748,683

Advanced Age Mothers N = 100,137



βa (95%CI)b


βa (95%CI)b


βa (95%CI)b


βa (95%CI)b


βa (95%CI)b


βa (95%CI)b

Maternal Socio-Demographic Characteristics

Mother’s Age at Childbirth

.11 (−.10, .32)


.02 (−.001, .04)


−.01 (−.12, .10)


Ever Immigrants of Canada1

.15 (−.92, 1.21)


−.53 (−.83, −.23)

−.42 (−.71, −.14)

−.30 (−.87, .28)


Married/With Partner2

.24 (−0.24, .71)


.33 (−.02, .68)


−.17 (−.69, .35)


Resides in Urban Population3

−.06 (−.70, .57)


−.09 (−.26, .08)


−.29 (−.83, .25)


Postsecondary/Part University4

Bachelor Degree or higher4

.13 (−.40, .65)



.35 (.10, .61)

.48 (.19, .77)

.27 (.02, .53)

.39 (.08, .71)

−.10 (−.75, .55)

−.14 (−.83, .56)


Household Income

.01 (−.003, .02)


.002 (.001, .004)


.001 (−.002, .004)


Working Part-time5

Working Full-time5

.19 (−.36, .75)

−.22 (−.88, .45)

.19 (−.38, .77)

−.31 (−.96, .34)

.19 (−.02, .40)

−.02 (−.22, .18)

.15 (−.05, .36)

−.09 (−.29, .10)

−.39 (−1.07, .29)

−.24 (−.79, .31)


Maternal Health and Social Characteristics

Very good/Excellent Health6

.86 (.38, 1.34)

.77 (.22, 1.31)

.15 (−.02, .32)


−.41 (−.78, −.03)

−.62 (−1.04, −.20)


−.04 (−.09, .01)


−.05 (−.07, −.03)

−.03 (−.05, −.01)

−.07 (−.13, −.01)

−.07 (−.13, −.01)

Family Functioning

−.06 (−.10, −.01)

−.05 (−.10, −.01)

−.06 (−.07, −.04)

−.05 (−.06, −.03)

−.05 (−.10, −.01)


Social Support

.03 (−.05, .11)


.06 (.04, .08)


.08 (.03, .14)

.08 (.03, .13)

Devoted to Religion8

.27 (−.21, .75)


−.20 (−.35, −.04)

−.19 (−.33, −.04)

−.28 (−.69, .13)


Child Characteristics

Age of Child (months)

−.05 (−.10, .01)


−.04 (−.05, −.02)

−.03 (−.05, −.01)

−.06 (−.09, −.02)

−.05 (−.09, −.01)

Female Child9

−.46 (−.92, −.01)


−.02 (−.18, .14)


−.34 (−.76, .09)


Used Child Care7

−.04 (−.56, .48)


−.26 (−.42, −.09)

−.29 (−.48, −.10)

−.30 (−.71, .11)


Improved Health6

.34 (−.66, 1.33)


.44 (.08, .79)


.59 (−.54, 1.72)


Overall Temperament

.01 (−.14, .17)


.01 (−.0003, .01)


−.002 (−.09, .08)

−.003 (−.08, .07)

Survey Data

Cycle 5 (2002–2003)10

Cycle 6 (2004–2005)10

Cycle 7 (2006–2007)10

Cycle 8 (2008–2009)10

.24 (−.31, .80)

−.29 (−.94, .36)

−.30 (−1.07, .46)

.29 (−0.18, .76)


.28 (.11, .46)

−.09 (−.28, .10)

−.13 (−.35, .10)

.12 (−.05, .30)

.35 (.12, .59)

.05 (−.20, .30)

−.12 (−.43, .19)

.05 (−.20, .31)

.23 (−.27, .73)

.15 (−.30, .60)

−.18 (−.87, .51)

−.27 (−.71, .17)

  1. Values represent unstandardized beta coefficients and 95% confidence intervals in parentheses estimated using population weights. Bolded values in the table denote significance
  2. aSample size and beta coefficients were estimated using population weights
  3. b95% Confidence Interval (CI) and standard error values were calculated using bootstrap weights
  4. 1Reference category: Non-immigrants- Canadian born; 2Reference: non-married; 3Reference: rural population; 4Reference: High school or less; 5Reference: Not working; 6Reference: Good/Fair/Poor perceived health status; 7Reference: No child care used; 8Reference: No devotion to religion; 9Reference: Male 10Reference: Cycle 4 (2000–2001)