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Table 3 Vaccination coverage and timely administration per antigen

From: Vaccination of infants aged 0 to 11 months at the Yaounde Gynaeco-obstetric and pediatric hospital in Cameroon: how complete and how timely?


Vaccines received


Vaccines received timely


BCG + Polio 0 (Nb = 400)

399 (99.8)

332 (83.2)

Vaccines at 6 weeks (Nb = 366)

360 (98.4)

340 (94.4)

Vaccines at 10 weeks (Nb = 269)

261 (97.0)

249 (95.4)

Vaccines at 14 weeks (Nb = 208)

194 (93.3)

182 (93.8)

  1. anumber of children who received the vaccine
  2. btotal number of children at the age to receive the vaccine
  3. cnumber of children who received the vaccine on time
  4. Vaccines scheduled at 6 weeks = DTP-HepB-Hib1, Pneumo131, Rota1, Polio 1; Vaccines scheduled at 10 weeks = DTP-HepB-Hib2, Pneumo132, Rota2, Polio2; Vaccines scheduled at 14 weeks = DTP-HepB-Hib3, Pneumo133, Polio3