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Table 1 Methods of parenteral nutrition (PN) line management employed in the study

From: Prevention of neonatal late-onset sepsis: a randomised controlled trial

Standard technique

Study Intervention bundle

Parenteral nutrition (PN) line changes were performed by one nurse using a no touch sterile technique but without mask, surgical scrub, or gown and gloves

Parenteral nutrition (PN) line changes by two nurses, one performing a surgical scrub and wearing a mask, gown and gloves to prevent breach of sterility.

PN lines were used as needed for other compatible infusions such as sedatives

PN lines were not used for other infusions, unless the infusion fluids were prepared and changed using the study intervention techniques

PN lines were used for boluses of medications including antibiotics

PN lines were only used for other medications in an emergency or if no other route could reasonably be used