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Table 1 Components of the clinical guidance tool

From: A clinical guidance tool to improve the care of children hospitalized with severe pneumonia in Lusaka, Zambia

On admission

- Antibiotics administered (4 regimens recommended)

- Assessment of HIV-exposure with recommendations for HIV testing and cotrimoxazole prophylaxis

- Assessment of nutritional status with documentation of feeding method implemented

- Documentation of assessments performed, including blood culture, complete blood count and chest x-ray

- Assessment of oxygen status with recommendations for supplemental oxygen

- Assessment of the need for supportive care (shock, fever, wheezing, nasal secretions, maintenance fluids) with recommendations provided

At 48 h

- Assessment of criteria for treatment failure with recommendations for switching antibiotic regimens

Ongoing care

Assessment every 6 hours of:

- Room air saturation

- Chest indrawing

- Respiratory rate


- Assessment of criteria for discharge

- Documentation of oral regimen prescribed

- Documentation of discharge instructions provided to the caregiver

- Assessment of HIV-exposure status with recommendations for follow-up

- Assessment of nutritional status with recommendations for follow-up