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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: An observational study using ultrasound to assess physiological changes following fluid bolus administration in paediatric sepsis in the emergency department

Inclusion criteria- all of:

 Suspected infection

  Temperature >38 °C or <36 °C

 Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

  Tachycardia (temperature corrected heart rate >2 SD above normal for agea)


  Tachypnoea (respiratory rate >2 SD above normal for age)

 Plan to administer a standardised fluid bolus by the treating clinician

  Standardised fluid bolus: 20 ml/kg of 0.9 % saline administered via manual push/pull or pressure bag (NOT by infusion pump).

Exclusion criteria- any of:

 Underlying uncorrected structural cardiac disease

 Non-curative goals of therapy

 Non-English speaking

  1. aheart rate was corrected by 10 beats per minute for every degree celcius above 38o [55]