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Table 2 Characteristics of infants enrolled in the study

From: Maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women with autoimmune diseases in Pavia, Italy

Gestational age, mean (SD)

38 weeks (3)

Sex, number (%)


35 (50.0)


35 (50.0)

Apgar score at 1′ and 5′, mean (SD)

9.0 (1.5) and 9.7 (0.9)

Cord pH, mean (SD)

7.27 (0.10)

Blood parameters,

 White Blood Cells x103/μl, mean (± SD)

15.3 (5.9)

 Neutrophils x103/μl, mean (± SD)

8.6 (4.5)

 Hemoglobin g/dL, mean (± SD)

17.2 (2.0)

 Hematocrit, %

51.6 (6.5)

 Platelets x103/μl, mean (± SD)

270.9 (75.5)

Anthropometric data,

 Weight at birth, mean (SD)

3045 gr (699)

  LBWa number (%)

14 (20.0)

  VLBWb number (%)

1 (1.4)

  ELBWc number (%)

1 (1.4)

 Length, mean (SD)

49 cm (3.5)

 Head circumference, mean (SD)

34 cm (2.4)

 IUGRd, number (%)

4 (5.7)

  1. aLow Body Weight (Birth weight < 2500 g)
  2. bVery Low Body Weight (Birth weight < 1500 g)
  3. cExtremely Low Body Weight (Birth weight < 1000 g)
  4. dIUGR Intrauterine growth restriction