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Table 3 Resuscitation Data Items with percentage of records that documented each specific item

From: Current practice of neonatal resuscitation documentation in North America: a multi-center retrospective chart review

Data Item

Percent of Records that Documented Specified Data Item

Preparation for Delivery


 Review of OB history

98 %

 Briefing Done

1 %

 Equipment Check

20 %

 Personnel Check

2 %



 Apgar at 1 min

96 %

 Description of Apgar at 1 min

62 %

 Apgar at 5 min

96 %

 Description of Apgar at 5 min

62 %

Temperature Management


 Delivery Room Temperature

0 %

 Radiant Warmer

60 %

 Drying of Baby

48 %

 Exothermic Mattress

14 %

 Plastic Wrap

30 %


1 %

 Temperature of Baby in Delivery Room

0 %

Pulse Oximetry and Respiratory Support


 Pulse Oximetry

59 %

 Supplemental Oxygen

77 %

 Airway Clearance/Suctioning

71 %

 Positioning of the Airway

3 %


62 %

 Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

64 %

 Bag Mask Ventilation

68 %

 Endotracheal Intubation

65 %

Cardiac Support Provided


 Heart Rate with Repeated Assessment

51 %

 Chest Compression

5 %

 Umbilical Catheter Placement

30 %

Pattern of Assessment and Intervention Described

66 %

Family Involvement and Interactions


 Family Presence

40 %

 Communication with Family

64 %

  1. Records which either mentioned the intervention or mentioned that it was not needed or not done, would be assessed as documented. If a record did not mention an intervention at all, then is was assessed as not documented