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Table 1 Seven auxological referral criteria taken from the Dutch Consensus Guideline [3].

From: The diagnostic work up of growth failure in secondary health care; An evaluation of consensus guidelines

Description rule



Rule nr.

Absolute height


HSDS* < -2.5


Clinical symptoms


HSDS* < -1.3 AND (dysmorphic features OR disproportions)


Persistent short stature after born SGA**


SGA** AND HSDS* < -1.88 after the age of 2 years


Short for target height and population (HSDScorr)

♂: < 10 yr and > 13.4 yr;

HSDS* < -1.3 AND HSDS-THSDS§ < -1.3



♀: < 9 yr and > 12.3 yr


Pubertal age:

♂: 10 – 13.4 yr;

♀: 9 – 12.3 yr

HSDS* < -1.3 AND HSDS-THSDS§ < -1.3 AND pubertal signs (♂: genit ≥ Tanner stage 2 OR testis volume ≥ 4 ml; ♀: breast ≥ Tanner stage 2)


Height deflection

♂: < 10 yr and > 13.4 yr; ♀: < 9 yr and > 12.3 yr

T2 – T1 > 1

(SDS1 – SDS2)/(T2-T1) < -0.25 OR (SDS1 – SDS2) < -1



Pubertal age:

♂: 10 – 13.4 yr; ♀:

9 – 12.3 yr

T2 – T1 > 1

(SDS1 – SDS2)/(T2-T1) < -0.25 OR (SDS1 – SDS2) < -1 With pubertal signs


  1. * HSDS = Height Standard Deviation Score (Height – mean height for the same age and sex/SD for the same age and sex)
  2. **SGA = Small for gestational age
  3. § THSDS= Target Height Standard Deviation Score (Target height = (height of mother (+height of father +13) + 4.5)/2)
  4. Height deflection: Height deflection is formulated as Delta HSDS < -0.25 per year OR a delta HSDS <-1SDS over a longer period (not specified).
  5. Pubertal age: When a child does not show any pubertal signs (♂: genit ≥ Tanner stage 2 OR testis volume ≥ 4 ml; ♀: breast >= Tanner stage 2) at this age referral is not necessary.