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Table 1 Pain Variables Used in Delphi Rounds 1 and 2

From: Identification of pain indicators for infants at risk for neurological impairment: A Delphi consensus study

Round 1

Round 2

Physical Signs

*Decrease in heart rate

Increase in heart rate

*Decrease respiratory rate

*Increase respiratory rate

*Decrease blood pressure

Increase blood pressure

Decrease in oxygen saturation

*Increase in oxygen saturation

Fluctuations/variations in HR

*Change in skin colour


Presence of Facial Actions

Facial grimacing (overall)

Brow bulge

Eye squeeze

Naso-labial furrow

Open lips

*Vertical stretch mouth

*Horizontal stretch mouth

*Pursed lips

Taut tongue

*Chin quiver

Vocal Behaviour/Cry

Duration of the first cry

Duration of total crying session

*Total number of cry bouts

*Harshness of cry

*High pitched cry

*Low pitched cry

*Melody of cry-flat

*Melody of cry-melodious

*Jitters in cry




Rigidity of body

Changes in:

Body movements

*Head movements

*Hand movements

*Arm movements

*Foot movements

Leg movements

*items removed in Round 2

Physical Signs

Decrease in oxygen saturation

Increase in heart rate

Increase in blood pressure

Fluctuations/variations in heart rate

Presence of Facial Actions

Facial grimacing (overall)

Brow bulge

Eye squeeze

Naso-labial furrow

Open lips

Taut tongue

Vocal Behaviour/Cry

Duration of first cry

Duration of the total crying session




Rigidity of body

Changes in:

Body movements

Leg movements

Vocal Behaviour/Cry


**Finger splay

**Fighting against ventilator

**Lack of or delayed responsiveness

** items added in Round 2