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Table 2 Mean hemoglobin concentration in vitamin A supplemented and non-supplemented children aged 6–59 months, Ethiopia 2010

From: Effect of a single high dose vitamin A supplementation on the hemoglobin status of children aged 6–59 months: propensity score matched retrospective cohort study based on the data of Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey 2011

Mean hemoglobin concentration (g/l)

Mean (±SD)

All children (n = 4794)

106.7 (±21.1)

VA supplemented children (n = 2397)

107.5 (±17.9)

VA non-supplemented children (n = 2397)

106.0 (±23.8)

Paired mean difference (supplemented - non supplemented) (n = 2397)

1.5 (±21.1)