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Table 2 Effect of various prenatal and perinatal risk factors on the severity of developmental delay

From: Predictors of severity and outcome of global developmental delay without definitive etiologic yield: a prospective observational study


Unadjusted effect

Adjusted effect

Prenatal factors


Fecundation in vitro



Drug exposure in pregnancy§



Tobacco smoke exposure in pregnancy



Multiple gestation






Post-term birth






Hypertensive disease of pregnancy ||



Hemorrhagic complications of pregnancy ¶



Perinatal factors


Cesarean section



Birth asphyxia



Neonatal hypoxia**



Neonatal infection



  1. Data are standardized coefficients beta resulted by linear regression analysis. Unadjusted effect is the effect of each factor separately. Adjusted effect is the effect of each factor adjusted for the effect of the others and for socio-economic status (multiple regression model).
  2. *P <0.001; † P <0.01; ‡ P <0.05.
  3. § exposure to alcohol and illicit drugs; || preeclampsia, eclampsia; ¶ placental abruption, placenta previa; **need for ventilatory support due to respiratory distress or severe apneas;
  4. IUGR indicates intrauterine growth restriction.