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Table 1 Definitions of manipulations for each dosage form

From: Manipulation of drugs to achieve the required dose is intrinsic to paediatric practice but is not supported by guidelines or evidence

Drug dosage form

Manipulation for dose accuracy includes


• split/broken/cut and a segment given

• crushed and a proportion of the powder given

• dispersed in liquid and a portion of the liquid given


• opened, dispersed in liquid and a proportion of the liquid given

• opened and a portion of the powder given

Sachet (powder)

• opened, dispersed in liquid and a portion of the liquid given

• opened and a proportion of the powder given

Oral liquid

• diluted and a proportion given (to make the measurement of a small dose volume easier)


• cut/split and a segment given

Nebuliser solution

• portion given

• diluted and a proportion given

Enema/bladder irrigation

• proportion of sachet/unit given (the remainder then discarded)

• portion of contents removed and the remainder given

Transdermal patch

• patch cut and a portion applied

• portion of patch uncovered and applied

Intravenous injection

• reconstituted or ready prepared solution, further diluted to allow a smaller dose to be measured,

• volume of fluid removed from IV container, drug added (to obtain accurate concentration for infusion)


• drug added to infusion bag, portion with smaller dose removed and infused