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Table 5 The association between WHO HIV stages and urine abnormalities** on microscopy and culture among HIV-infected, ART naïve children, 2-12years old n=220

From: Renal abnormalities among HIV-infected, antiretroviral naive children, Harare, Zimbabwe: a cross-sectional study


Urine abnormalities n (%)

OR (95% CI)

P value

Clinical stages


Stage 1&2

15 (12.9)


Stage 3&4

33 (27.0)

2.20(1.06; 4.60)


Immunological stage***


Not significantly immnosuppressed

11 (12.2)


Mild immunosuppression

15 (42.9)

5.4 (2.11; 13.84)


Advanced immunosuppression

8 (20.0)

1.8 (0.62; 5.20)


Severe immunosuppression

11 (23.9)

2.26(0.88; 5.83)


  1. OR= Odds ratio CI=confidence interval.
  2. **The urine abnormalities are UTI (including schistosomiasis), sterile pyuria and asymptomatic bacteriuria.
  3. ***Two children with urine abnormalities did not have CD4 count results.
  4. Logistic regression and odds ratios presented.