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Table 1 Characteristics of women filling in the three questionnaires

From: Analysis of motivations that lead women to participate (or not) in a newborn cohort study


Motivation to participate questionnaire (n = 430)

Motivation to refuse questionnaire (n = 304)

Motivation to withdraw questionnaire (n = 145)

p value

Median age, (IQR)

33.8 (31.0-36.7)

34.6 (31.0-36.4)

33.8 (30.0-36.3)


Level of education, n (%)


- Elementary/Middle school

62 (14.4)

46 (15.1)

37 (25.5)


- High school /University degree

368 (85.6)

258 (84.9)

108 (74.5)

  1. * significant differences between first and third columns and between second and third columns (Fisher exact two tailed test, respectively p = 0.003 and p = 0.009).