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Table 1 Reason for exclusion of studies

From: The role for osmotic agents in children with acute encephalopathies: a systematic review


Reason for exclusion

Prabhakaran 2004[19]

The paper did not report on effect of the intervention, mannitol, on ICP or outcome

Vialet 2003[23]

The study provides combined results for adults and children, and the data for children could not be extracted

Kingston 1971[18]

There is little information on the characteristics of the participants. There is no data provided on the effect of the intervention, urea, on ICP or outcome

Cruz 2002[17]

The use of the intervention, mannitol, was not clearly evaluated and the study does not demonstrate the relationship between mannitol use and outcome

James 1977[22]

The study provides combined the results for adults and children, and the data on children could not be extracted.

James 1980[21]

The study provides combined the results for adults and children, and the data on children could not be extracted.

MacDonald 1982[25]

Reason for selective data presentation not given and administration of both treatments not clearly described

Marshall 1978[24]

Age of subjects is not given and unclear statistical methods have been used

Mickell 1977[20]

The relationship between the intervention and ICP or outcome is not described

Procaccio 1991[36]

The study included a heterogeneous age group of patients that is not comparable and in whom standard treatment was not provided to all